Kyoto University Digital Archive System (KUDAS/aka “Peek”) is operated for research and educational purposes. For more information,see “Terms of Use.”
“Peek” is a fundamental tool to browse and search online materials in Research Resource Archive, Kyoto University (KURRA). You can access contents of the materials if digitized data is available.
You can use the following operation in your search to make your search results more precise.
This is the first page of the “Peek.” You can browse or search materials in “Peek” here.
Here are the different ways for you to start exploring the “Peek.”
In the “Peek” your initial search will automatically cover descriptive item records.
For complex search, use “advanced search.”
The following fields can be used for search.
Performing keyword search and choosing an index shows a list of the result of the search.
In the detailed view, besides the title of a collection or a material, detailed description of it is displayed. Also, digitized image, video, sound, etc. can be viewed if available.
Below the digitized data, detailed description of the collection or the material is displayed. The description consists of “Basic Information” and “Detailed Information,” “Documents in the Collection” and a brief list of it, and “Classification.”
† Note that these fields are in accordance with the standard for finding aids of archival materials.